Views of George Washington’s Mount Vernon Home

View of Mount Vernon From Above

Dining Room at Mount Vernon

Innovative Green House That Washington Built At Mount Vernon


Distillery at Mount Vernon

Grist Mill at Mount Vernon

George Washington Fox Hunting

Ever since George Washington first leased and then inherited Mount Vernon from the widow of his brother Lawrence, George Washington had been engaged in the remodeling and enlargement of the original modest story and a half structure.  Even while serving as Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, Washington had sent home written instructions for the continued expansion of Mount Vernon.  Now that he had returned home after the war, Washington was able to personally assume management of such remodeling.  What this primarily involved was the completion of the large banquet dining room as the north wing of the house and the addition of the octogonal cupola that he constructed atop the house.    The banquet hall was constructed so that the the dining room table could be removed and the chairs pushed back against the wall so that the room could be used to host dances, which George Washington greatly enjoyed.  Given Washington’s fame after the Revolutionary War, upon his return home Mount Vernon saw a constant stream of visitors, including many from Europe who wanted to meet the great man.

~ by americanpresidents on March 6, 2010.

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